Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


This application allows the RPL Committee to assess your knowledge and experience for possible exemption partially or fully, from the PASA Certificate in Foundational Payments (PCFP), enabling you to attend the Advanced Certificate in Electronic Payments or Advanced Certificate in High Value Payments.


  1. Attach the required documents* to the online questionnaire before submitting.
  2. Submit all documents one month before the registration closing date for the intake you wish to register for.
  3. Late applications will be considered for the next intake. No exceptions.
  4. The RPL Committee will review your application and provide feedback.


  1. This application process does not grant automatic RPL status.
  2. RPL approval does not confer certification for the PASA Certificate in Foundational Payments.
  3. The outcome is final and cannot be appealed.


  1. No
  2. No
  3. No
  4. No
  5. No
  6. No
  7. No


Module 1 - Money and the National Payment System

Key Learning Areas

  • The importance of payments in the National Payments System
  • The role of money in payments
  • The functions that money serves
  • The evolution of money as a means of payment

Module 2 - NPS Basic

Key Learning Areas

  • The National Payment System construct
  • Adoption and usage of a payment system
  • Categories of payment systems
  • The payments value chain
  • Payment instruments and channels

Module 3 - Payment System Concepts

Key Learning Areas

  • On-us vs off-us relationships
  • Open and closed payment systems
  • 3 and 4 Party models
  • Terminology used in different payment systems
  • Debit pull vs credit push
  • Models vs schemes

Module 4 - Clearing and Settlement

Key Learning Areas

  • Clearing and settlement defined
  • Different clearing methodologies
  • Settlement methodologies
  • SAMOS settlement options
  • Clearing and settlement combinations
  • The concept of Simultaneous, Final and Irrevocable Delivery versus Payment

Module 5 - NPS Stakeholders

Key Learning Areas

  • Key stakeholders in the NPS
  • Stakeholder positioning within the NPS - The Onion Ring Model
  • International stakeholders

Module 6 - Payment Systems in South Africa

Key Learning Areas

  • Payment systems categorised
  • High value payment systems - Clearing and Settlement flows
  • Low value payment systems - Clearing and Settlement flows

Module 7 - Interchange

Key Learning Areas

  • What is interchange
  • What interchange is not
  • Interchange in the different low value payment systems

Module 8 - Message Standards in the Payments Environment

Key Learning Areas

  • Message standards in the payments environment
  • The need for message standards
  • Message standards used in different payment systems
  • Domestic and global collaboration

Module 9 - Payment Risk

Key Learning Areas

  • Managing risk in the NPS
  • The lines of defence model
  • Operational risk management

Module 10 - Regulation and Oversight

Key Learning Areas

  • The role of regulation and oversight
  • South African Reserve Bank Act
  • Reserve Bank Oversight
  • Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)
  • The NPS Act and PASA
  • The NPS Act providing for Directives and Position Papers

Module 11 - PASA as the Payment System Management Body

Key Learning Areas

  • Establishment of a Payment System Management Body
  • Governance and PASA Council
  • The Council committees
  • Access to PASA
  • The funding of PASA
  • Interest of members vs interest of the NPS
  • PASA operating model
  • Different types of PASA structures

Module 12 - Innovation and Modernisation in the Payments Industry

Key Learning Areas

  • Modernisation of the payments industry
  • Platform business models and platform architecture
  • Blockchain-based technologies and cryptocurrencies
  • Application programming interfaces (APIs)
  • International trends and developments
  • Modernising South Africa’s payment systems


a. CV with relevant areas highlighted:
b. References from your manager or a mentor in payments:
c. Certificates and educational documentation:
d. A motivation letter for your RPL application: