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- Disclaimer
PASA values its clients and recognises that it must maintain and use client information responsibly. We are already in possession of your personal information (such as your name, email address and phone numbers), which you provided to us at the time that you applied for web access. By using the website, you will have restricted access. You will also be allowed to participate in any discussion and / or surveys that we may run. Any information we collect relating to you, will be used in an effort to improve our service relationship with you. In addition, we may use information received to help us improve our website design.
We do not sell or share any of the information that we collect online to any unaffiliated third party. Our website may contain links to other sites that are not under our control. These websites have their own policies regarding privacy, which you should review before visiting them. We cannot take any responsibility for linked websites and provide these links solely for the convenience and information of our visitors.
If our information practices change in the future, we will communicate such changes on our website. Users of our website may view, download and print our privacy policy for private purpose only.
Should you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our website administrator at
Copyright 2023, PASA, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2196.
1. Agreement and Terms of Use
By using our website for any reason whatsoever, you, the user, agree and subject yourself to the terms and conditions as contained herein and as set out below. Our website only provides you with information regarding PASA our association and any products / services offered by us and/or our Members and does not constitute in any way a legal opinion or binding agreement enforcable against us and/or any of our Members.
2. Content
You are authorised to view, copy, download, print the content of our Website, or any part thereof, provided that the content:
- is used for information and/or private purposes only;
- any reproduction must include the following notice: © PASA (2023) - All rights reserved.
- is used for information and/or private purposes only; any reproduction must include the following notice: © PASA (2023) - All rights reserved. Should you wish to use any content from this site for commercial purposes you may do so, with our prior written permission.
3. Intellectual Property Rights
Our intellectual property includes, but is not limited to all trademarks, copyright, data, databases, private information, text, software, graphics, designs, icons and hyperlinks. This intellectual property is our property or is licensed to us and is therefore protected from infringement by both domestic and international law and treaties. We expressly reserve all rights in respect of all the intellectual property on our Website.
4. Changes and Amendments
We expressly reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, and without prior notice to you, to alter and /or amend the content of any part of our website and also to change any amounts, costs or rates as may be quoted. You undertake to view our website from time to time in order for you to acquaint yourself with the changes and /or amendments to our information.
5. Privacy Policy
You acknowledge that you have accessed and read our Privacy Statement as set out on our Homepage. We protect your privacy subject to the terms thereof. We expressly record that we retain the copyright in respect of our databases of and relating to any personal information of our website users.
6. Electronic Communications
When you enter and use our website, or when you communicate with us by sending us an e-mail, you consent and agree to receiving communications from us electronically and also that all instruments of agreements, letters, notices, disclosures and other communication(s) and / or correspondence, as sent by us to you, will satisfy any legal requirement(s), including but not limited to the requirement that such communication or correspondence should be “in writing”.
7. Linking and Framing
Any third party site may link to our website provided that such a link is directed at the homepage of our website. Without our prior written approval, it is expressly prohibited for any person, business, entity or website to link to any page, other than the home page of our website and to frame any page on our website, including the home page, in any way whatsoever.
8. Agreements in terms of Section 21 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act No. 25 of 2002 (“the Act”)
Information or data on our website is merely a facility to access information and discussions.
9. Searching Technology
The use of non-malicious search technology, such as “web-crawlers” or “web-spiders”, to search and gain information from our web site is not permitted, specifically in the event that such technology will result in slowing down our website’s server or infringing the copyright of any data and/or information available on or from the our website. The data and information as contained on our website may only be used in order to comply with clauses 5 to 9 as set out above.
10. Adverting and links to third party sites
We may provide you with links to other site(s). In the event of a link being provided, we expressly record that such link(s) is only provided for your convenience and the inclusion of such link does not imply our endorsement of any such linked site(s). Linked websites or pages are not subject to our control. We shall not be held responsible or be liable, directly or indirectly, in any way whatsoever in respect of and/or for the content, or your use of, or your inability to use or access any linked website(s) or any link(s) contained in a linked website.
11. Information Security
We will take all reasonable steps to secure your information. You undertake not to divulge your user name and/or password to any other person. It is expressly prohibited for any person, company, business, or any other entity to gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to any page of our website or to deliver or attempt to deliver any unauthorised, damaging or malicious code to our website. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this clause, shall be prosecuted and held criminally liable. We shall also institute civil proceedings for the recovery for any damages or loss suffered by us.
12. Disclaimer and Exclusions of liability
You acknowledge that you have accessed and read our Disclaimer as set out on our Homepage.
13. Severability
These Terms and Conditions of Use constitute the entire agreement between you, as the user of this website, and PASA. Any failure on our part in exercising or enforcing any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use shall in no way constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Should any term or condition of the use of our website not be fully enforceable or valid for any reason, such term(s) or condition(s) shall be severable from the remaining terms and conditions. The remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected by such unenforceability or invalidity and shall remain enforceable and applicable.
14. Applicable and Governing Law
Our website is hosted, controlled and operated from the Republic of South Africa, and therefore the South African Laws govern the use of or inability to use this website as well as these terms and conditions.
15. Contact Information / Domicilium Citandi Et Executandi
Should you have any questions or queries or wish to request permission to use any part of this website, including, linking, framing, or searching, please contact us at:
Street Address:
Block D, Sunnyside Office Park, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193
Postal Address:
PASA, Administrator, P.O. Box 61380, Marshalltown, 2107
Tel: +27 11 645 6760
Fax: +27 11 645 6860