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Debit Orders
Understanding debit orders
South Africa has three types of debit orders: DebiCheck, Registered Mandate Service (RMS) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
DebiCheck debit orders are electronically approved by the consumer with their bank, on a once-off basis, at the start of a new contract which has been signed with a business or service provider.
DebiCheck ensures that the consumer is in control of and aware of debit orders being processed to their bank account. Additionally, it provides the business or service provider that the consumer is dealing with, with the comfort of knowing that the consumer has acknowledged and is aware of these debit orders.
DebiCheck allows the consumer’s bank to capture the debit order information by checking the information before the debit order is processed. The bank will know the details of what the consumer has agreed to with the service provider or business and will not allow a DebiCheck debit order to be processed outside the terms that have been agreed to by the consumer.
DebiCheck gives consumers the comfort of knowing that DebiCheck debit orders must be processed within the conditions that have been agreed to.
Registered Mandate Service and EFT debit orders are a type of debit order where a consumer grants permission to a service provider to debit their bank account via a mandate, either in writing, by voice or electronically. The service provider issues the debit order payment instructions to the consumer’s bank to debit the consumer’s bank account. However, the debit order is not confirmed with the consumer’s bank as with DebiCheck (see other details about debit order approval in the ‘commonly used terms’ table below).
DebiCheck | Registered Mandate Service | EFT Debit Orders | |
Mandate format | Electronic | Electronic | Paper, voice, or electronic via form completed online |
Where the mandate is stored | Consumer’s bank | Consumer’s bank | Service provider |
Mandate electronically approved by the consumer | Yes | The registered mandate can be triggered when a customer does not electronically approve a DebiCheck mandate | No |
The consumer’s bank validates the specific collection against the mandate parameters they have on record | Yes | Yes | No |
When does collection take place? | In the morning, immediately after the credit processing run (often after the salary run) | In the morning, directly after the DebiCheck collections run | In the evening |
The person whose account will be debited by a bank, when a contract is agreed with a third party.
A business that has an agreement with a consumer to collect money in exchange for products or services provided to the consumer.
An agreement between a consumer and service provider which authorises the service provider or business to debit the consumer’s bank account and specifies the date, frequency, amount, and any other parameters / conditions related to the funds which may be deducted.
To approve / authenticate / authorise a debit order means to confirm its details on an electronic device such as a cellphone, banking app, personal computer or ATM. Your bank will advise which options are available.

How to honour your debit orders
1. Check your bank statement to review the debit orders that are deducted from your account.
2. Check whether you’ve given permission to the company who is deducting money from your account. If yes, then honour the debit order.
3. If you don’t know who the company deducting money from your account is, then query this with your bank.
4. Next, approach the company or business that is debiting your bank account to check whether you gave them permission. If you don’t know which company has debited your bank account, contact your bank to get the company’s details.
5. If you have given permission, then honour it. If you didn’t, dispute it and report it.
Debit order frequently asked questions
DebiCheck FAQ Doc Download >
- Complaints related to debit order abuse should be referred to the consumer’s bank.
- Unresolved debit order complaints may be referred to the Banking Ombudsman (
DebiCheck Recognition Rewards 2022
Pasa recently hosted our DebiCheck virtual recognition ceremony where we acknowledged the effort and dedication that helped set the DebiCheck project in motion.
- All you need to know about debit order scams | Ridge Times (
- More arrests in R99 debit order scam | SAnews
- Navigating payment stream compliance: a comprehensive guide to ensuring compliance within South Africa’s national payment system – The Small Business Site
- Wat gebeur as jy ‘n debietorder betwis, maar wel die geld skuld? – Moneyweb
- DebiCheck payment platform ‘running well’ | ITWeb
- DebiCheck – the future is looking bright | ITWeb
- Ghita Erling DebiCheck interview
- SARB introduces a new debit order system | (
- Importance of DebiCheck for business owners